Glasgow Central Station
Our terminal is located just a few minutes’ walk from Glasgow Central Train Station, in the Q-Park Building on Waterloo Street. If you’re picking up a vehicle, please speak to our team in the Avis Budget Group office on the ground floor who will get you on the road in no time.
To return a vehicle, please enter the Q-Park building on Waterloo Street and continue up the ramp to level 5. Park in one of the Avis Budget Group spaces and return the keys to a member of staff wearing an Avis Budget Group uniform. If you can’t find a member of staff on level 5, please return your keys to the Avis office on the ground floor.
If you’re returning your car out of hours, you’ll need to put your keys in the Avis Budget Group Key Drop Box, located on the ground floor. After you’ve parked, take the lift from level 5 down to the ground floor. Exit the lift, turn right and go through the door in front of you. You’ll then be facing the vehicle entrance and exit lanes of the car park. Using the pedestrian crossing, cross the lanes and turn left. The Avis Budget Group Key Drop Box is on the wall you’re now facing, next to the defibrillator.