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Amalfi Coast Adventure

See the best of Italy's showcase coastline in an Avis hire car

Steering round hairpin bends and sheer cliffs on this gorgeous coastal route makes for expert driving – but gives jaw-dropping views over rugged shoreline – interrupted only by impossibly steep villages. 

Test drive this two-day road trip for the best of the Amalfi Coast
Pick up your hire car from Avis Salerno, near Pontecagnano Airport and drive north along the coastal road.

You can easily explore some of Amalfi's nooks and crannies in your hire car, including legendary treasures like the artist's colony at Ravello and the ancient town of Paestum.

Drive north for Mount Vesuvius to explore the ruins of Pompeii, sample life among the beautiful people on the Isle of Capri and drop-off your Avis vehicle at our car hire Naples airport branch.

Car Hire Italy with Avis. There's no better way to see Italy than by car.